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The Littlbug Blog

Stop Reading This and Go Backpacking

We’re serious. Stop reading, and go backpacking. Well, you don’t have to backpack, but find a way to get outside and enjoy it. Why, you might ask, would we want to tear you away from our website? Because we ultimately want you to enjoy the outdoors. And you enjoying the outdoors doesn’t involve [...]

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How to Escape the Crowds

Getting outside, seeing beautiful landscapes has been growing in popularity. A large part of the joy of being in the wild is the solitude it offers. You may find that your favorite camping spot, hiking trail, or backcountry route are congested with others trying to enjoy the same view and solitude as you. [...]

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Bringing Your Best Furry Friend on the Trail

Dogs make great companions and great adventure buddies. Getting your dog out on the trail not only lets you share your adventures with them, it also gives them great exercise. We’ve gathered some tips and tricks to make sure that you, your dog, the wildlife, and other trail users can together enjoy the best [...]

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Trail Etiquette 101

Those on the trail typically have a common goal: to enjoy being outside doing something we love. There are rules in place for trail uses to help us enjoy the trail together. Sometimes you may share the trail with single-use users, and other trails may be designated multi-use trails where you share with various [...]

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72-Hour Emergency Bag

Natural disasters happen every year around the world. Some small - a house starts on fire, you get stuck in a snowstorm, a car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, or a storm shuts off the power for an indefinite amount of time. And some more major - a wildfire or flood threatens [...]

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Eating Healthy on the Trail

Is it just us, or does food always taste better in the backcountry? After walking for miles with a pack on your back, or peddling your supplies for hours, you’ve burned thousands of calories. What you eat in them morning, during the day, and in the evening can have a big impact on your energy [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Encountering Wildlife in the Wilderness Part 2

As much as we do our best to avoid disturbing the wildlife while exploring in the backcountry, there are times that you may encounter them. Sometimes you can see them from afar, and other times you may come across them unexpectedly. When you come across them unexpectedly, it’s best to be prepared and [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Encountering Wildlife in the Wilderness (Part 1)

We love adventuring into the wilderness and exploring new spaces. While one of the perks of getting outside and taking the time to slow down and enjoy living off the bare minimum for a short time, we have to remember that we are not alone in the wilderness. We share this space with [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Leave No Trace

Summer is inching closer with each passing day. Summer welcomes warmer temperatures, longer days and for many, outdoor adventures. Whether you’re enjoying a multi-day trip in the wilderness or spending a day outside on the trails, we want to remind you of the 7 Leave No Trace Principles to help improve outdoor experiences [...]

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Taking Care of Our Home

April 22 is Earth Day and April is Earth Month - A reminder to treat our Earth with kindness and respect. At Littlbug we take our responsibility to care for the Earth very seriously. We encourage and practice Leave No Trace principles and give back a portion of our profits to organizations that [...]

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While we add value to your outdoor experience, you are adding value to our planet and all that live here. Littlbug Enterprises donates at least 10% of its profits to help care for the Earth and its inhabitants.