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The Littlbug Blog

Littlbug Humanitarian Aid Project: June 2018 Update

In April, volunteers with the Littlbug Humanitarian Aid Project (LHAP) travelled from Bemidji, MN to Rockport, TX to team up with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) and provide disaster recovery assistance to victims of Hurricane Harvey.  The MDS team included volunteers from Arkansas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Manitoba.It was a rapid change in seasons for us [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Weather Wisdom

Mother Nature seems to have a mind of her own. Even when we’ve done our best to anticipate the weather, she throws us a curveball. At times they are to our benefit and sometimes not. Thankfully, in some instances modern technology like cell phones can help you stay updated on the weather [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Taking Care of Your Gear Part 2 - Tents and Cooking Tools

After days, weeks, or even months on the trail, you arrive home dirty, tired, and happy. You’ve pitched your tent so many times you could do it in your sleep. And you’ve done your best to keep your cutlery, pans, and stove as clean as possible. Only a little dirt added an extra crunch [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Taking Care of Your Gear Part 1 - Clothes and Sleeping Bags

You’re trip has come to a close and you arrive back home dirty, tired, and happy, refreshed from your trip. You spent time planning what to pack and how to pack before leaving on your trip. On the trail, you appreciate the time spent preparing prior to leaving and kept mental notes about [...]

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Enjoying Spring Mud Season

Winter storms are coming to a close and summer is right around the corner. But, spring’s puzzling weather patterns can make planning trips and getting outside difficult. Disappearing snowpacks make winter sports difficult and the melting snow creates muddy conditions for biking and hiking. Don’t worry! You can still give into your [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: Backcountry Safety

We love heading into the backcountry. It’s a wonderful way to remove the tyranny of time and schedules from our lives and reconnect with the natural rhythms that surround us. It truly is rejuvenating. We cherish experiencing nature and appreciate that, along with its wild beauty, its unpredictability. It is important [...]

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Ways to Use Your Littlbug Stove

Wood burning camping stoves give you the opportunity to have a lightweight, diverse option for your various traveling needs. Since they require no canister fuel, and take up minimal space, wood burning stoves allow you to have reliable gear wherever your adventurous spirit takes you. Here are five ways we love using the [...]

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Why We Love Car Camping

Your next adventure doesn’t have to involve sacrificing comforts and amenities. Car camping, or glamping (glamorous camping) as some like to call it, can be just as fun as a trip into the backcountry. We could go on and on about why we love car camping, but here are our top four reasons [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: How to Pack Your Backpack

You have all the gear you need to head into the backcountry. But looking at all that gear laid out and the space in your backpack, is it even possible to get it all to fit? Don’t panic! With the proper gear (read about what to pack here) and a few techniques, [...]

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Your Outdoor Skills: What to Pack (part 3)

You’ve gathered your essential camping items; now it’s time to focus on the accessories.The experienced backpackers here at Littlbug Enterprises always remember that pounds are made up of ounces and that every ounce matters when you have to carry it for a long time. A lighter pack is just more enjoyable to carry! Selecting the [...]

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While we add value to your outdoor experience, you are adding value to our planet and all that live here. Littlbug Enterprises donates at least 10% of its profits to help care for the Earth and its inhabitants.